A Mug of Things

Explore my world of professional insights, life experiences, travel journey, my dishes in the little "Cuina", and beyond

Category: Thoughts

  • Good enough-for now

    Good enough-for now

    It is a Monday, Oct 9th 2023, a rainy day in Hongkong affected by typhoon Koinu (Typhoon No.14) in South China Sea. It started on Saturday 7th October. For this reason, today there is no office in Werfen Hongkong, everyone is working from home. Most businesses are also closed, no Uber service. Luckily, the cafeteria…

  • My journey: How did I break up with depression?

    My journey: How did I break up with depression?

    Only the first question has a ¨Yes¨ answer. It was the only thing I felt by that moment – ¨a horrible time¨. For the rest of the questions, the answer is NO. I wasn’t aware of all my negative feelings, and thoughts that I had. I totally let myself go off track, lost myself in…

  • How do I re-motivate myself at work?

    How do I re-motivate myself at work?

    #Motivation is like a roller coaster. And motivating yourself is even harder than it seems. Some days you really see and feel it, other days the word ¨motivation¨ doesn’t even exist in your dictionary at all. Remember when you just started a new job or got into a new role in your organization? You probably…